Art Portfolio

Figurative Drawings

Figurative works in charcoal. Exploring the human form and its surroundings through pathways and distributed marks.



Drawing of ‘Nike Adjusting Her Sandal’ from the south side of the parapet of the Temple of Athena Nike, Acropolis, Athens, Greece’. Composed using a straight line measurement style… but make it gestural.

Untitled Figure Drawing

Untitled Figure Drawing

Composed with distributed mark technique. The brightness of the reference photo was turned down multiple times while the drawing was made.

Straight Line Portrait

Straight Line Portrait

Composed with straight-line measurements taken visually from a reference photograph.

"Figure with Plants"

"Figure with Plants"

Vine and compressed charcoal, ‘over’-drawn with highlights added by erasing. 24x36”

"Tea Time"

"Tea Time"

Reclining Figure

Reclining Figure

Composed with pathways through the composition

Patterson-Gimlin Film, Frame 352

Patterson-Gimlin Film, Frame 352

“Bigfoot.” Composed with distributed marks, with the reference photo progressively darkened during the composition.

Progress pics

Progress pics

Progress pictures taken every 20 minutes… ish.